Saturday, August 4, 2012

Barbecue Chicken Pizza

Started my day thinking about what I had to do, where I had to go, and - of course - what I wanted to cook :)

I knew I had some chicken thighs in the freezer, and I figured I'd grill them.

As I started thinking about what pantry and household items I needed while I was out - I some how thought of yeast. Not that that is a pantry item I usually think about and keep stocked, but somehow it crossed my mind - it must have been divine intervention. Lol.  Anyway, that immediately spawned the thought of barbeque chicken pizza!  And suddenly I knew what I was doing today :)

Here's the dough after rising...

While the dough was rising I grilled the chicken and red onion.

I first marinated boneless, skinless chicken thighs in low fat Italian dressing for about 20 minutes.

Then seared them on my Infrared grill (that rocks, thanks Mom & Dad!) until they had some nice grill marks.  Dipped each one in a bowl of barbecue sauce.

Then moved them to the low-heat side of the grill to caramelize a bit.

Towards the end, I sliced some red onion, nice and thick, threw them on the grill, and brushed them with some of the same barbecue sauce

Once that grilling was done, I threw the pizza stone on the grill and let it get good and hot.

Meanwhile, I punched down the dough, and let it rest some more.  After resting, I rolled it out as thin as I could get it. If it started getting elastic and shrinking back, I covered it with a damp kitchen towel and let it rest some more.

Then building the pie :)

First the BBQ sauce...

Then the cheese and the onion…

Then the chicken, some fresh oregano, and some more cheese…

By now the grill and the pizza stone were a good 550.

A little bit more than 10 minutes in the 'oven' and…

Let it cool 5 minutes, then slice and serve...

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